Don't let motivation be your only driver


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Finally! How to reach PEAK performance without killing yourself at training in 8 weeks guaranteed.


Hey, are you a developing athlete who wants to perform their best and take their training to the next level..

but you're not where you want to be, and there are a few things missing when it comes to knowing how to eat for peak performance and recovering properly?

Look, I know what it's like to focus on training hard and doing everything your coach says to a T.. but still not fuelling correctly and finding it WAY more difficult to perform your best on and off the field/ court/ track/ pool/ every sport you can think of.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Struggling to concentrate in class/ work

Napping before training

Sore muscles

Catching all the colds and flu's


Waking up tired


Struggling to build muscle



Well, these are all symptoms of poor or sub-optimal fuelling.



eating the wrong foods, in the wrong amounts, and at the wrong times.


But my question to you is...


Are you ready to do something about it?


If yes, keep scrolling.


I'd like to introduce the

Thriving Athlete Program


8 Modules carefully crafted to support developing athletes who are CHASING peak performance take control of their nutrition.

But first, claim your FREE 45-Minute Strategy Call to discover the Step-By-Step Blueprint to easily achieving peak performance in your sport.

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Here's how the Thriving Athlete Program can help YOU



Provide you with the education and tools to be able to know exactly WHAT to eat at exactly what times

And what different foods do and how they impact your bodies for all different important reasons like:

- Being able to run for longer 

- Delaying fatigue

- Improving concentration and reaction time

- Building and recovering muscles

- Building immune function

- Strengthening bones and ligaments to prevent injuries


Have someone there, by your side, to help you:

- Manage your nutrition, supplements, training and lifestyle through evidence-based practices

- Give step by step guidance on how to effectively fuel yourself to help ensure that..

the possibility of getting sore, ‘hitting a wall’ on the field or even getting sick is virtually impossible to occur

because you are meeting all your total energy and macronutrient requirements for recovery and performance

and allowing your body to get the right fuel and rest that it needs to feel its best


Takes all that energy away from overthinking nutrition and teaches you everything you need to know to make sure you’re quite literally eating exactly the right foods at the right times so you can perform at your absolute peak. 


Takes away the guessing games with your nutrition so you

- Won’t have to be reactive and wait till you’ve hit a wall or get sick to know you need to eat more of this or that

- And instead be proactive, in control and be confident with your nutrition and hydration so you can maximise on your potential

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So what's included in the modules?

Let's dig into the details...

Module 1

Goal Setting and Mindset

Introductory module to get you setting goals on what you want to achieve over the 8 weeks and beyond, as well as thinking about what mindset you need to embody to be a successful athlete.

Module 2

Energy Requirements

Start thinking about how much energy you need to perform for your sport (and hence how much food you need!), and what can happen when we either don't get enough or have too much.

Module 3


Understand the different types of foods that provide us the energy we need for our sport and day-to-day lives, including exactly when to eat what foods to maximise our energy levels.

Module 4


Covers the different roles of protein and why it's so essential for athletes, including exact protein targets to aim for daily and educational resources to help you meet your targets!

Module 5

Injury, illness and health

As important as it is to have a game day nutrition plan, pre and post training nutrition plan and hydration plan - it's also important to have an injury and illness plan so you either don't fall ill or reduce the risk of injury, and get back into training as quickly as possible.

Dive in to what to consider to both avoid injuries and illness, and how to manage them including specific nutrients of risk.

Module 6


Understand why hydration is important for performance outcomes, and know exactly how much you need to drink (and what - e.g. whether you need electrolytes or not)  through using the Sweat Testing Calculator. 

Module 7


Go through what supplements are safe and evidence-based, guiding you through the decision of whether or not you should consider taking them and how you can take them.

Module 8

Moving Forward as a Thriving Athlete

Reflecting on everything we've covered, including our goal setting and mindset exercise, and exploring what it's like to be a Thriving Athlete moving forward.

Here's how it's going to run..


What you will learn:

  • You'll get a new module drip fed to you every Saturday morning at 6am (so you don’t feel the need to rush ahead and you have the weekend to look over it!)
  • They will you through the step-by-step of creating your own fuelling strategy, so depending on the foods you like, what food is available to you, your training schedule which will forever be changing
  • You’re going to gain the tools to be able to navigate your energy requirements, and eating to fuel for your specific bodies needs and sport.
  • You will learn the exact nutrition strategies made by high-level elite athletes and backed by evidence
  • You also get a step-by-step guide to create your own personalised hydration plan for your sport based on your individual sweat rate
  • The confidence to know EXACTLY what to eat, when to eat and in what amounts to eat for optimal performance and recovery outcomes
  • These modules are designed to be implementational, and are easy to follow – which means, even if you no background or understanding of nutrition whatsoever, you are going to be able to come in, and implement, and get outcomes through the program content alone


On top of that:

  • You get access to our exclusive Thriving Athlete Hub just for members of this program
  • This is a forum where you get direct contact with our Accredited Sports Dietitian Neda, to ask any questions as they come up and receive feedback during the program 
  • This allows you to be fully supported during the program and you can expect a response within 12 hours
  • Other members of the group will be asking questions too which you may have been thinking of already or hadn’t thought before (so you can learn from each other!)

What this means for you, is over the next 8 weeks:

  • You won’t have to play any more guessing games with your nutrition
  • You won’t have to be reactive and wait till you hit a wall or get sick to know you need to eat more of this or that
  • You’ll be proactive, in control and be confident with your nutrition and hydration so you can maximise on your potential
  • And ultimately be able to maintain this for the rest of your life!

What's the real cost? 


Well what we do know is the COST of not doing anything is continuing to not be able to put 110% into all your training sessions, continue to be at high risk of injuries and illness, and risk not being able to maintain the level of sport you're competing in now for much longer. 

Now, the PRICE of really getting on top of all this, is going through the modules in the program, and making the changes that it requires you to make to your nutrition.

It's learning and implementing what you don’t already know, and maybe eating more of the foods you don't particularly love.

Ultimately, I know for a fact if you're an athlete (or parent of an athlete) resonating with this, you are no stranger to hard work and might just be a perfect fit for this program.

Book Your FREE 45-Minute Strategy Call today to get started!

In this call we will go through:

  • A nutrition and health assessment to determine any symptoms that are impacting your performance and create a plan to support you towards your goals
  • My proven 3-step process that guides you through what you're currently eating and exactly how nutrition can impact performance
  • My #1 nutrition strategy that allows you to get clear and confident on how to fuel yourself throughout the training week and for competitions
From here:
  • We will determine whether you are a good fit for the program. 
  • If we can just give you a few tips to trial and feel you don't need to join the program, we'll let you know.
  • However if we feel you're a perfect fit and will get exponential results from the program, we'll give you all the details you need and get you signed up!
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Some FAQs

Still got questions?

Ask away!


Haven't done an online course before?

Haven't seen a dietitian before?

Got a few things you want to clarify before you commit?

Please don't hesitate to reach out.

We'd love to take the time to answer any questions you have to help you decide if this is the right program for you.

On the fence? Have questions?

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